Author: Cort Stowe E-mail Address: , Homepage (warcraft page) NOTE: There are alot of units in this scenerio, so you may encounter the problem that you can't make any more units. This can get VERY annoying sometimes, but this level can be beaten without cheating. If you do get a message cannot create more units, then you will either have to just use what men you have, or kill off some of their men and then you can make more. If any of you have played "Das Moat" you probably have experienced this. If you need any help with this level e-mail me at This levels comes with it's own configuration file so use war_edit to load the configuration, then use war_hack to start up warcraft, then load up the single player saved game Unholy Ground. Using the config file makes this levels harder, so if you need more help, try beating it without the config file. However like this level "Das Moat" (author:, is not impossible to beat without cheating. You just need to kill off their men to make more for yourself. Special Thanks to Geoffrey Dunn ( for telling me where lots of things are in the header.